Amount to Word (fx)

Functioning: As the name suggests, this function takes amount as input and generates corresponding outputs in words in Indian English terminology (Lakh - Crore)

Syntax: =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(cell_reference, prefix, suffix)

Illustration: In a sheet, Cell A3 contains amount of 14621. Variations of BI.AMOUNTTOWORD function are:
Modes Formula Output
Pure Mode =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(A3) Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Twenty One
Financial Mode =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(A3,1) Rupees Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Twenty One Only
Custom Prefix Mode =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(A3,"Received in cash") Received in cash Rupees Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Twenty One
Custom Suffix Mode =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(A3,"","Kg") Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Twenty One Kg
Custom Prefix & Suffix Mode =BI.AMOUNTTOWORD(A3,"Amount of","Euro") Amount of Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Twenty One Euro

Example: Pure Mode demonstration screenshot for reference
screenshot amount to word function